(一) 專利相關規費[1]
申請費用(Application fees)
表3-1 專利申請之規費
線上繳費 | 透過其他方式繳費 | |
臨時專利申請(Provisional patent application) | 100 | 200 |
標準專利申請(Standard patent application) | 400 | 600 |
進入國家階段申請標準專利(National phase entry) | 400 | 600 |
續約年費(Renewal fees)
標準專利的續約費(Standard patent renewals)
表3-2 標準專利之續約費
線上繳費 | 透過其他方式繳費 | |
第4年年費 (the fourth anniversary) | 300 | 350 |
第5年年費 (the fifth anniversary) | 315 | 365 |
第6年年費 (the sixth anniversary) | 345 | 395 |
第7年年費 (the seventh anniversary) | 380 | 430 |
第8年年費 (the eighth anniversary) | 420 | 470 |
第9年年費 (the ninth anniversary) | 465 | 515 |
第10年年費 (the tenth anniversary) | 540 | 590 |
年11年年費 (the 11th anniversary) | 645 | 695 |
第12年年費 (the 12th anniversary) | 780 | 830 |
第13年年費 (the 13th anniversary) | 945 | 995 |
第14年年費 (the 14th anniversary) | 1140 | 1190 |
第15年年費 (the 15th anniversary) | 1385 | 1435 |
第16年年費 (the 16th anniversary) | 1675 | 1725 |
第17年年費 (the 17th anniversary) | 2010 | 2060 |
第18年年費 (the 18th anniversary) | 2390 | 2440 |
第19年年費 (the 19th anniversary) | 2815 | 2865 |
第20年年費(僅醫藥專利) (the 20th anniversary) | 4000 | 4050 |
第21年年費(僅醫藥專利) (the 21th anniversary) | 5000 | 5050 |
第22年年費(僅醫藥專利) (the 22th anniversary) | 6000 | 6050 |
第23年年費(僅醫藥專利) (the 23th anniversary) | 7000 | 7050 |
第24年年費(僅醫藥專利) (the 24th anniversary) | 8000 | 8050 |
過續約日後所繳交的續約費(Renewal payment late fee) | 每月收取(不超過6個月)100 ($100 for each month, or part thereof that the fee is late (up to six months)) |
創新專利的續約費(Innovation patent renewals)
表3-3 創新專利之續約費
線上繳費 | 透過其他方式繳費 | |
第2年至4年,每年逐一繳交(2nd to 4th anniversaries) | 110 | 160 |
第5年至7年,每年逐一繳交(5th to 7th anniversaries) | 220 | 270 |
過續約日後所繳交的續約費(Renewal Payment Late Fee) | 每月收取(不超過6個月)100 ($100 for each month, or part thereof that the fee is late (up to six months)) |
延長時間(Extension of time)
表3-4 延長時間相關之費用
有關人員或其代理人的錯誤或遺漏(per month or part of month that the extension is sought) | 延期的每月或部分月份收取100($100 per month or part of month that the extension is sought for) |
相關人士無法控制的情況(Circumstances beyond the control of the person concerned) | 100 |
第5年至7年,每年逐一繳交(5th to 7th anniversaries) | 220 |
已採取適當注意的情況(Circumstances where due care has been taken) | 延期的每月或部分月份收取100($100 per month or part of month that the extension is sought for) |
申請延長藥品專利期限(Applying for extension of term of a pharmaceutical patent) | 2500 |
審查和檢索(Examination and search)
表3-5 審查和檢索之費用
初步檢索和意見(Preliminary search and opinion (PSO)) | 1100 |
請求標準專利審查(Standard patent examination request) | 550 |
請求創新專利審查(Innovation patent examination request (applicant)) | 550 |
第三方請求創新專利審查-第三方付費(Innovation patent third party examination request (third party payment)) | 275 |
第三方請求創新專利審查-申請人付費(Innovation patent third party examination request (applicant payment)) | 275 |
請求再審查(Re-examination request) | 800 |
表3-6 審定之相關費用
標準專利申請案審定(Standard patent acceptance) | 300 |
如果於審定時該說明書之請求項超過20項(If the specification contains more than 20 claims at acceptance) | 300 |
標準專利 – 超過20項或小於等於30項 | 每額外的請求項收 125 |
標準專利 – 超過30項 | 每額外的請求項收 250 |
自願修正(Voluntary amendments)
表3-7 修正之相關費用
於審查前或審定後修正該標準專利說明書(Amend standard patent specification before examination or after acceptance) | 250 |
提出修正增加了完整專利說明書中的請求項,並超過了20項(Proposed amendment increases the claims in the complete specification and exceed 20 claims) | 每額外的請求項收 250 ($250 for each additional claim) |
國際費用(International fees)
表3-8 國際專利之費用
傳送費(Transmittal fee) | 不收取費用 |
國際檢索費(International search fee) | 2200 |
國際申請費(International filing Fee) | 2274 |
包含申請表在內的申請書少於30頁,且經由ePCT電子提交PDF檔格式,可減免 | 342 |
包含申請表在內的申請書少於30頁,且經由ePCT電子提交XML檔格式,可減免 | 513 |
包含申請表在內的申請書若超過30頁,且經由ePCT電子提交PDF檔或XML檔格式,則超過的每頁增收 | 26 |
請求國際形態的檢索(International-type search request) Note:以臨時申請案來請求國際形態檢索 | 1100 |
額外的國際檢索費(Additional international search fee) | 2200 |
PCT國際初步審查-具有澳洲智財局產出的國際檢索報告(PCT International preliminary exam (with Australian ISR)) | 590 |
PCT國際初步審查-不具有澳洲智財局產出的國際檢索報告(PCT International preliminary exam (without Australian ISR)) | 820 |
異議和聽證會(Oppositions and hearings)
表3-9 異議和聽證會之相關費用
提交異議通知(Filing a notice of opposition) | 1200 |
出現於聽證會上(Appearing at a hearing) | 每日2000($2000 per day) |
僅以書面意見為基礎進行聽證(Hearing on the basis of written submissions only) | 1200 |
文件銷售(Sale of documents)
表3-10 文件銷售之費用
從同一個文件複製一到三個文件(Copy of one to three documents from the same file) | 每份50($50 each) |
從同一文件複製四個或更多文件(Copy of four or more documents from the same file) | 200 |
一文件的加快郵遞請求(Expedited post of a document request) | 每份20($20 each) |
(二) 設計相關規費[2]
申請費(Application fees)
表3-11 設計申請之規費
線上繳費 | 透過其他方式繳費 | |
提交申請時在申請中確定的第一個外觀設計的申請費(Application fee for the first design identified in the application at the time of filing) | 200 | 400 |
提交申請時在申請中確定的任何後續設計的費用(Fee for any subsequent designs identified in the application at the time of filing) | 每個設計150 ($150 per design) | 每個設計350 ($350 per design) |
進一步設計(Further design)
表3-12 設計申請之進一步設計規費
線上繳費 | 透過其他方式繳費 | |
在形式檢查中確定進一步設計的費用(Fee for further design identified during the formalities check) | 200 | 400 |
續約年費(Renewal fees)
標準專利的續約費(Standard patent renewals) Note:滿申請日1年為第0年
表3-13 設計之續約費
線上繳費 | 透過其他方式繳費 | |
再延展5年(Renewal of registration - further five) | 400 | 450 |
過續約日後所繳交的延展費(Renewal payment late fee) | 每月收取100 (per late month or part thereof) | 每月收取100-最多6個月($100 per month or part thereof from the renewal due date (for a maximum of six months)) |
審查費(Examination fees)
表3-14 審查之費用
已註冊的設計-已註冊設計擁有者所提出的實審(Registered design - exam by registered owner) | 500 |
已註冊的設計-第三方提出實審(由第三方付費) (Registered design - exam by third party (third party payment)) | 250 |
已註冊的設計-第三方提出實審(由已註冊設計擁有者付費) (Registered design - exam by third party (owner payment)) | 250 |
行政費用(Administrative fees)
表3-15 行政之相關費用
延期費(錯誤或遺漏) (Extension of time (error or omission)) | 每月100($100 per month or part thereof) |
延期費(無法控制的情況) (Extension of time (circumstances beyond control)) | 100 |
異議(延長時間) (Opposition (to extension of time)) | 600 |
聽證會(請求) (Hearing (request)) | 600 |
聽證會(每日) (A hearing (per day to appear)) | 600 |
文件銷售 (Sale of documents)
表3-16 文件銷售之費用
從同一個文件複製一到三個文件(Copy of one to three documents from the same file) | 每份50($50 each) |
從同一文件複製四個或更多文件(Copy of four or more documents from the same file) | 200 |
該些文件的加快郵遞(Expedited post of these documents) | 每份20($20 each) |
[1]澳洲智慧財產局,Timeframes and fees (Patents),https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/patents/timeframes-and-fees#fx-tabs-0-panel-0。
澳洲智慧財產局,Patents Regulations 1991,https://www.legislation.gov.au/F1996B02697/latest/versions。
[2]澳洲智慧財產局,Timeframes and fees (Design),https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/designs/timeframes-and-fees#fx-tabs-0-panel-0。
澳洲智慧財產局,Designs Regulations 2004,https://www.legislation.gov.au/F2004B00136/latest/versions。
澳洲智慧財產局,Fee review 2023–24,https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/about-us/accountability-and-reporting/fee-review-2023-24。